Depth first search is a graph traversal algorithm that travels as far as possible along edges before it backtracks. This is typically accomplished using a Stack to keep track of the nodes on the current path. This could be an implicit stack through using recursion or a literal stack data structure.
var (
directions = [][]int{
{0, 1}, {0, -1}, {1, 0}, {-1, 0}
type graph struct {
nodes [][]int
rows int
cols int
func NewGraph(x, y int) *graph {
g := &graph{
nodes: make([][]int, x),
rows: x,
cols: y,
for i := range g.nodes {
g.nodes[i] = make([]int, y)
return g
func (g *graph) dfs(startX, startY int) {
if len(g.nodes) <= 0 {
visited := make([][]bool, g.rows)
for i := range visited {
visited[i] = make([]bool, g.cols)
g.dfsTraverse(startX, startY, visited)
func (g *graph) dfsTraverse(i, j int, visited [][]bool) {
if visited[i][j] == true {
visited[i][j] = true
fmt.Printf("visited: %v, %v\n", i, j)
for _, direction := range directions {
nextI, nextJ := i+direction[0], j+direction[1]
if nextI < 0 || nextI >= g.rows {
if nextJ < 0 || nextJ >= g.cols {
g.dfsTraverse(nextI, nextJ, visited)