Existential Processing
Existential processing attempts to provide a way to remove unnecessary querying about whether or not to process data. For example, in most software it is common to check for null and the verify objects are valid before processing. This entire line of conditional checks can be removed if data could be trusted to be in a valid state before being processed.
Cyclomatic complexity is a numeric representation of the complexity of programs, specifically concerning flow control. In short, it is:
1 + number of conditionals
This number is very difficult to reason with when dealing with virtual function calls because you need to know the number of possible methods that can fulfill that request. This becomes impossible if you do not have access to all the code that is running, such as with dynamic libraries. This hidden complexity is a necessity for third party libraries to interface with core processes, but it guarantees that no single part of the process will ever be thoroughly tested.
Another form of complexity is state. State is often concluded for being responsible for the most complexity in all of software. State can be broken down even further into accidental and essential state.
Essential State
Essential state is state that is required by the problem being solved by the program. This is any design or feature that is dependent on certain conditions being met.
Accidental State
Accidental state is state that is required for the software to run, but is not required by the problem being solved. It is non-essential to the program, but could be providing the foundation for the program.
Structural state
Structural state is accidental state necessary for supporting a programming paradigm, offering performance improvements, or being used to drive an algorithm.
Defensive programming
Defensive programming is accidental state is state meant to help the developer like reference counting or garbage collection. Garbage collection adds and it is rarely guaranteed how and when it will happen. As a result of ignoring memory allocations during the early development stages in these languages, it can be challenging to fix memory leaks closer to the ship date.
With high complexity programs it is common to run into a variety of issues. Issues like a program being in an unexpected state or a bad state resulting in unexpected behavior. High complexity of state can also introduce performance related issues that become incredibly expensive. Caching, for example, is an example of the complexity of state. The CPU cache can be in an unexpected state resulting in poor or inconsistent performance.
Conditional Flow Control
It is common practice to use conditionals to avoid crashes. Conditional checks like out of bounds checks, access fail safes, null pointer protection, and many other state validations to avoid failure.
Looping is another form of conditional flow control with the exception that the compiler can often reason with loops and optimize them. Being able to reason with looping, the compiler is able to discard any conditional checks that are unnecessary.
Polymorphic calls are also a form of flow control. While they can provide aid, they often provide abstractions for the sake of abstracting and introduce complexity where it isn’t needed.
To reduce complexity, we need to consider how we can eliminate as much flow control as possible. Consider keeping data as a collection of arrays. This can ensure that none of our data can be null and entirely eliminate one form of defensive flow control. While this does not eliminate loops, we can better reason with the data using functional transforms and avoid side-effects.
Virtual calls can be avoided entirely using either switch statements, function pointers, or a long series of ifs.
Reducing the cyclomatic complexity is incredibly beneficial and should be considered. It is important to reiterate that this is dependent on formatting data in such a way that it does not allow for nulls. Using normalization techniques we can instead of querying an object for it’s relationships, we query a structure that only contains the relationships between objects. This can be incredibly potent in debugging.
Inefficient hardware utilization often comes from unpredictable processing. This slowness comes from not being able to see how much work needs to be done and being unable to prioritize or scale the work to fit the given time frame. Giving the computer a known list of tasks to process enables the processor to optimize and reduce overhead. When there are patterns of operation, preemptive streaming or processing can be queued up when we know it will need done at some point in the future. By allowing software to generate to-do lists and goals you can simplify the work into prioritizing goals or write code to prioritize at runtime.
Types of Processing
Existential processing is related to to-do lists. When all elements of a list are processed it can be concluded that they will be processed in the same exact way. CPUs can efficiently handle running the same operation repeatedly over contiguous data. When global state is removed, this now allows for parallelization techniques like map-reduce. Stateless transforms of stateful data are incredibly robust and trivial to run in parallel.
Inside of the processing of each element it is acceptable to use control flow. Most compilers should be able to reduce these branching instructions to a branch-free representation. SIMD, single instruction multiple data, allows parallel processing of data when the instructions are the same. MIMD, multiple instructions multiple data, every piece of data can be operated on by a different set of instructions. This is simple, but prone to errors. Because it is so simple, it is how most parallel processing is done and it often results in rare fatal errors due to highly complex state.
A filter takes incoming data with some constant parameters and produces either one or zero outputs per every input.
A one to one manipulation of data. Incoming data and constant parameters are processed and exactly one element is produced for every input.
A one to many data manipulation. Using incoming data and constant parameters, an emission can create zero, one, or many outputs for each input element.
A generator takes no input data, but produces output elements based on the constant parameters.
Instead of using booleans, consider the information that is encoded in data using domain knowledge. Instead of adding a boolean to indicate state, consider laying out the data to imply state. Having a row in a table to check for existence is faster and less error prone than having to check a floating point number or convert/cast a value to a boolean. Pointers can also introduce unnecessary booleans with null value checks.
Enums that influence instruction control flow can be emulated by replacing each enum value with a table. This will make finding the enum value more challenging as it will require checking all tables related to that enum. However, this removes the internal state from the entity and places it in external tables and reduce the impact of control flow. This approach should not be considered if the enum is highly volatile and it would impact performance.
Instead of polymorphic class we can implement a factory of table insertions. Instead of a polymorphic method we can leverage existential processing. The table values should imply the characteristics of the entity.
Dynamic run-time polymorphism
Run-time polymorphism is a class providing a different implementation of a base operation where the class type is unknown at compile time. The class reacts differently to function calls depending on it’s type and the type can change at run-time. Dynamic languages, like python, have few restrictions on class definitions which can be very convenient at the high cost of performance.
Using existential processing, classes are defined by the tables they belong to. Behavior then can be changed by just altering the table data rather than managing state, data, or other run-time tricks.
Implicitly defined classes not only can be run-time polymorphic, they can also belong to many tables at the same time. This added functionality allows the implicit class to instead be multiple classes all at once.
Event Handling
Having a table for event registration makes the subscribe and un-subscribe operations very fast and very simple. Subscribe is an insert and un-subscribe is a delete. This also enables subscribing to a topic before the publisher even exists.