Trees are hierarchical data structures that are made up of a series of nodes. Each node can have many children but needs to have one parent. If a node does not have a parent, it is considered to be a root node.
Trees can also be considered as a undirected, connect, acyclic Graph.
Common terms
- Neighbor: The parent or child nodes of the current node
- Ancestor: Any node from the current node to the root node
- Descendant: Any node in the current node’s subtree
- Degree: Number of children at current node
- Degree of a tree: Max degree of nodes in the tree
- Distance: Number of edges between two nodes
- Level/Depth: Number of edges between root and node
- Width: Number of nodes in a level
- Skewed: Nodes have very few children, like a linked list
Types of trees
Common routines
- Insert
- Delete
- Count number of nodes
- Search
- Height